TrasCo Studios Apps

Hours Worked Calculator - Overtime - Salary Calc 0.7
TrasCo Studios
Calculator Hours Worked: Salary, Overtime, work calendar andwork!Useful for calculating hourly work, wages or salary or whichjobwith the best salary or wage to choose. Worked HoursCalculator:Save the different jobs or jobs with their overtime, youcancalculate net or gross wages. Example Calculator Hours Worked-Overtime Salary: Entry Hours and Minutes: 06:54 Departure hoursandminutes: 15:07 Calculate Hours and Minutes worked: 8.22hHourlyPrice: 14.41 Tax withholding: 12.51 Salary-Salary: 103.63EntryHours and Minutes: 20:10 Departure hours and minutes: 01:25Calculate Hours and Minutes worked: 5.25h Hourly Price: 9.94Taxwithholding: 11.50 Paid work break: 1h Salary-Salary: 46.18 Easytomanage your work or hourly job and know your payroll, salaryorwages. Controlling overtime at your job or employment willbeeasier with this Calculator Hours Worked - Overtime Salary.Choosewhich job gives you the best performance, salary or wages.You cancreate several jobs and assign in the calendar the differenthoursthat you have worked, applying an hourly price andwithholdingtaxes you will have the gross or net salary or wage. Doyou want tocalculate how many hours do you work a day? Do you wantto havecontrol of the different projects in your work? Which job ismoreprofitable? Hours Worked Calculator - Overtime Salary Set atime ofentry and exit time to work, with this Calculator HoursWorked:Salary, Overtime, work calendar and work! you will neverforget tocharge any time. You can insert both normal working hoursandovertime. Each with its hourly cost and withholding tax. Youcanadd a break to your workday, which may or may not be paid. Howmanytaxes have I paid this month in the payroll, salary or wages?withthis Calculator Hours Worked: Salary, Overtime, work calendarandwork! you will know! Perfect for workers with hourly jobs,multiplejobs or minijobs. Do you have several jobs and don't knowhow muchyour salary or wages will be? Which job is the best? Itworks wellfor hourly jobs and knowing at the end of the day or atthe end ofthe month the total hours worked and the salary or wage.Wemultiply it by the price of hour of work and we will obtainthewage or salary of the work. Calculate your gross or netsalaryCalculator Hours Worked: Salary, Overtime, work calendar andwork:Do you have many different jobs or jobs? this is yoursalarycalculator! Calculate your payroll before they enter it.Activefunctions of Calculator Hours Worked: Salary, Overtime,workcalendar and work: -Create multiple jobs. -Insert differenteventssuch as overtime, normal hours or work intervals. -Add hourlycostto your hours and get your salary, salary or payroll. -Withtheevents calendar you can have control over the days worked aswellas the hours worked in your different jobs. -Calculate yoursalary,salary or easily nominate. Functions in development ofCalculatorHours Worked: Salary, Overtime, work calendar and work:-Insertyour work expenses. -Get detailed reports on different jobsorjobs. -Create graphs of your payroll, salary, or wages.-Calculateyour payroll, salary or gross or net salary. -Create yourworkcalendar. -Put meetings, trips ... in your work calendar-CreateBackup of the calculator database worked hours with yourexpenses,your overtime, your payroll or wages ... and pass them toyour newdevice. Try this Calculator Hours Worked: Salary, Overtime,workcalendar and work make us a comment and we will improvethisCalculator Hours Worked for you! Thank you for usingthisCalculator Hours Worked: Salary, Overtime, work calendar andwork!
Zombie War Survivor - shooter
TrasCo Studios
Zombie War Survivor: Arcade Top Down shooter - survive theapocalypse !!!!
Temperature converter formulas 2.0
TrasCo Studios
Temperature converter | Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit, Rankine,Reaumur & Formulas
Trigonometry calculator - Geometry , trigonometric 1.5
TrasCo Studios
Trigonometry calculator - Geometry figures, geometryandtrigonometric functions: With this geometry andTrigonometrycalculator you can calculate area, volume, perimetersof figuressuch as the right triangle, isosceles triangle, circle,square,scalene triangle, equilateral triangle, circumference,rectangle... and in thisTrigonometry calculator - geometry figureseveryupdate more geometry figures! Trigonometry calculator -Geometryfigures, geometry and trigonometric functions has many usesfordifferent sectors: - Students: Geometry and mathematics areverydifficult. With this Trigonometry calculator - Geometry,trigonometry it will be easier for you to learn tosolvemathematical problems about right triangles, righttriangle,isosceles triangle, circle, square, scalene triangle,equilateraltriangle, circumference, right ... solve mathematicalproblemsabout area, perimeter , volume, length of sides, hypotenuselegs,trigonometry ... In addition, you will get themathematicalformulas used as well as the development of theexercise.-Teachers: Do you need to create new maths exercises?Differentmath tests for your students? Create material withthistrigonometry calculator! different geometric calculations foryourstudents to learn geometry, trigonometry and geometriccalculation!With this Trigonometry calculator - Geometry figures,geometry andtrigonometric functions your work will be much easier.-Carpinter:In this profession maths, geometry and trigonometry areveryimportant. Don't fail with this Trigonometry calculator -GeometricFigures! With this carpentry calculator - Trigonometrycalculator -angles and geometry you will be able to carve your woodwithdifferent shapes such as right triangles, right triangle,isoscelestriangle, circle, square, scalene triangle, equilateraltriangle,circumference, rectangle ... calculating their sines,cosines,hypotenuses , legs, areas ... You will save on material andyouwill be more precise with your trigonometry andgeometrycalculations. -Engineers and architects: Our world is madeofgeometric figures and trigonometric functions, that's why withthisTrigonometry calculator you will be able to performyourtrigonometric and geometric calculations in a reliable andsafeway. - Masonry, painters ...: In their work they always needtocalculate areas, surfaces, perimeters, volumes ... withthisTrigonometry calculator - geometriy figures will be abletocalculate the areas of walls being the same as the geometricshapethey have! Square walls, right triangles, scalene triangles...Save time and material using mathematics, geometry,trigonometryand especially our Trigonometry calculator - Geometry,trigonometric. - Artists: painting, sculpture ... allthesedisciplines are based on maths, geometric figures andtrigonometry.With this Trigonometry calculator - Geometry calc youcan perfectyour style and create works of art with perfect geometryandtrigonometry !! Different geometric figures used inourTrigonometry calculator - Geometry figures, geometryandtrigonometric functions: - Right triangle. - Equilateraltriangle.- Isosceles triangle. - Scalene triangle. - Square. -Rectangle. -Circle. Don't waste any more time doing suchdifficulttrigonometric calculations, the Trigonometry calculator -geometricfigures will do it for you! And not only that, it willshow you themathematical formulas as well as the development of theequation,so that you understand how this trigonometric calculationhas beenperformed and you can learn more trigonometry and geometryappliedto geometric figures. In each update of the Trigonometrycalculator- Geometry , trigonometric we will put more and moregeometricfigures, put your comment and tell us which one would bemoreuseful! Thank you for downloading and using ourTrigonometrycalculator - Geometry figures, geometric trigonometricfunctionsmore content soon, more geometric figures in the nextupdate !!!
Geometry solver & Trig solver 10
TrasCo Studios
Geometry solver - trigonometry calculator : trig solver andgeometry calculator
Payment work hours calculator 22
TrasCo Studios
Time calculator: timesheet work hours tracker - salary and paymentcalculator
Multiplication table Games 1.2
TrasCo Studios
Multiplication Games for 3rd graders: Math Games for 4th graders
Binary Calculator Hex Decimal 9.3
TrasCo Studios
Binary Calculator - Octal, hexadecimal to decimal converter &binary translator
LogicMath:IQ test Riddle games 6.7
TrasCo Studios
LogicMath - Math games, brain games, riddle games, math riddles andIQ test!
Calculadora IMC y peso
TrasCo Studios
Control your ideal weight quickly. Calculate your body mass index(BMI)
7 Riddles: Logic & Math games 1.82
TrasCo Studios
Logic games, iq test, math riddles, brain games math, riddles games& maths quiz
Proof of love with name & date
TrasCo Studios
Love test with name, date and fingerprint Valentine's games. Proofof love!!
WhereWasIt? Brain memory games 1.1
TrasCo Studios
Where was it? Memory games and matching games for adults, impulsebrain training
Cement Concrete Calculator ft 4.1
TrasCo Studios
Concrete calculator -meters, feet and inches-contractor,construction calculator
Area square yards Calculator 1.22
TrasCo Studios
Square yards calculator - area calculator and volume calculator, m2calc.
Time Calculator - Minutes and Hours Calculator 0.2
TrasCo Studios
Hours and Minutes and Seconds Calculator - Time calculatorAdd,subtract, multiply or divide hours and minutes. Useful tocalculatethe work by hours, salary or which job with the bestsalary tochoose. Hours and minutes calculator: Calculate timedifferencebetween times and calculate the total for days, weeks,months,hours, minutes and milliseconds Example Hours andMinutesCalculator - Time Calculator - Salary Calculator - HoursTracker:Hours and Minutes entry: 07:02 Departure Hour and Minutes:16:58Calculate Hours and Minutes worked: 09:56 Price Time: 11.57Salary:114.93 Hours and Minutes entry: 07:55 Hours and Minutesdeparture:15:14 Calculate Hours and Minutes worked: 07:19 PriceHour: 9.9Salary: 72.44 Useful to control your work by hours andknow yourpayroll, salary. It's also a great time unit converter:-How manyyears are 425 days? They are 1.1636 years. -How many weeksare1,275 years? It's 66.5277 weeks. Besides being a greattimeconverter, this app also helps us to calculate differencesbetweendates and times: -Date 1: 17 January 1983 21:25 -Date 2:10February 2021 10: 00h How long has it been between date 1 anddate2? 12443 days or 34 years, 0 months, and 22 days. Very usefultocontrol the working day and know how many hours you have worked-hours time tracking: - Hour and minute entry: 05:53 -Departuretime and minute: 5:55 p.m. - Rest hours: 1 h Total hoursworked 11hours and 2 minutes. Controlling overtime at work will beeasierwith this Hours and Minute Calculator - time calculator -Hourstracker: You will be able to know the hours worked and thesalary.You can perform your calculations in hours, minutes,seconds, days... or in decimal, assign a price and calculate thesalary. Use thecalculation of the Time Calculator - Hours Tracker -SalaryCalculator to set an entry and exit time, the Hours andMinutesCalculator - Wage Calculator - Hours Tracker will calculateit foryou. You have several jobs and you don't know how much yoursalarywill be? This Hours and Minutes Calculator - SalaryCalculator -time calculator will also help us to calculatecalculations betweenminutes and hours. See some example of hour andminutecalculations: Minutes and Hours Calculator - Time Calculator-Salary Calculator: 69 minutes +82 minutes +3: 03 hours = 5:34hours100 minutes +5: 42 hours +72 minutes = 8:34 hours It workswell forhourly jobs and to know at the end of the day the totalhoursworked and the salary . We multiply it by the price of thehour ofwork and we will obtain the salary of the work. Minutes andhourCalculator - Time Calculator: Do you know how many hours are724minutes? It's 12:04 hours. With this hour and minute calculatoritis very easy. We calculate the hours of an employee and knowhissalary. Do you have many hourly employees and you don't knowwhatsalary they have? With this Hour and Minute Calculator -TimeCalculator - Hours Tracker at work you will have it undercontrol.This Hour and Minute Calculator has many uses: -Hours andminutesCalculator: Calculate accumulated hours of study. -WageCalculatorfor my workers -Hours Tracker: Calculate hours that Ihave lost intraffic jams. -Hours tracker: that I accumulate frombreaks atwork. -Time calculator: Calculate hours and minutes ofexercise perweek. -hours time tracking: too much work? -Wagecalculator:Calculate the salary of your different jobs. -Time Calc:Hours andminutes that I do in my work for hours. -Salary Calculatorin mydifferent hourly jobs. -Hours and minutes Calculator: How longittakes to do a project. With this Hours and Minutes Calculator-Time Calculator - Wage Calculator you won't need to waste aminutedoing all these difficult time calculations. Thank you forusingthis Hour Calculator - Time Calculator - Hours Tracker-SalaryCalculator!
CoCoBall: physics games puzzle
TrasCo Studios
Coco ball is a physics games, puzzle games, platform, brain games,skill games
IQ Test: Logic & Riddle games 1.48
TrasCo Studios
IQ-test: Improve your brain with our logic games, riddle games andiq games
Numix: Merge Number MathBattle 1.19
TrasCo Studios
Numix: Merge Numbers MathBattle. Win the war of merge blockswithyour logic
SellPOS: Cash register and POS 1.14
TrasCo Studios
SellPOS - Cash register and POS for retail store and small business
Ball Souls: Arcade Platforms 1.31
TrasCo Studios
High difficulty arcade game and platform game to test your skillandpatience.
Brain Training: Logic and IQ 11.02
TrasCo Studios
Train your brain and cognitive skills with our memory, reactionandlogic games!
Work shifts calendar & salary 1.0
TrasCo Studios
Manage your work shifts and your overtime to know your salaryandwages.